Department:-Mechanical Engineering
Research Conference Papers/Books Publications
AY: 2023-2024
Sl. No. |
Name of the Teacher |
Title of the Book published |
Title of the Chapter published |
Title of the proceedings of the conference |
Name of the conference |
Year and month of publication |
ISBN of the Book/Conference Proceeding |
Name of the Publisher |
Proof Link (If Any) |
1 |
Laxmikant S. Dhamande |
Vibration Reduction in Ambulance Using Modified Stretcher with Vibration Absorber |
Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery, Volume I. VETOMAC 2021. |
Dec-23 |
Online ISBN-978-981-99-4721-8 |
Springer, Singapore | |
2 |
Harshal P. Varade |
Convolutional Neural Network Based On-Line Defect Recognition in Additive Manufacturing Using Image Processing |
2023 4th International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM) |
12/12/2023 |
DOI: 10.1109/ICCAKM58659.2023.10449655 |
3 |
Harshal P. Varade |
Future of Business Organizations Based on Robotic Process Automation |
8/25/2023 |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | |
4 |
Harshal P. Varade |
An Introduction to Nanoscience & Nanotechnology |
October 2023 |
ISBN: 9789357621656 |
Alpha International Publication |
5 |
Harshal P. Varade |
Industrial Instrumentation and Control |
January 2024 |
ISBN: 9789357576062 |
Scientific International Publishing House | |
6 |
Sandip R Thorat, |
Future of Digital Work Force in Robotic Process Automation |
8/25/2023 |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | |
7 |
Vaibhav Suryawanshi |
Experimental analysis of particle damping performance in |
December 2023 |
AIP Publishing | |
8 |
Sachin S. Raj |
Comprehensive Review on Mechanical Characters of Plant Particle Reinforced Polylactic Acid Biocomposites |
July2023 |
Springerlink | |
Research Journal Paper Publications
AY: 2023-2024
Name of the Author(s) |
Department of the Author(s) |
Title of the Paper |
Name of the Journal |
Month and Year of publication |
Link to the notification in UGC enlistment of the Journal |
S. P. Palekar |
Mechanical |
Probabilistic fracture analysis of double edge cracked orthotropic laminated plates using the stochastic extended finite element method |
Forces in Mechanics |
Feb-24 |
2666-3597 |
Dhiraj P. Bhaskar |
Mechanical |
Numerical investigation of sandwich plate in bending by a new inverse shear deformation theory based on finite element analysis |
Forces in Mechanics |
Oct-23 |
2666-3597 |
S S Raj |
Mechanical |
Biodegradable Сomposites Вased on Рolyvinyl Alcohol Мodified with Vegetable Waste |
Ecology and Industry of Russia |
Jul-23 |
1816-0395, 2413-6042 | |
S S Raj |
Mechanical |
Synthesis and characteristics study of epoxy composites made with various stacking of jute fiber through hand layup route |
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology |
Apr-24 |
0268-3768 | |
S S Raj |
Mechanical |
Hybrid nanofabrication of AZ91D alloy‑SiC‑CNT and Optimize the drill machinability characteristics by ANOVA route |
Optical and Quantum Electronics |
Jan-24 |
0306-8919 | |
Research Conference Paper Publications
AY: 2022-2023
Sl. No. |
Name of the Teacher |
Title of the proceedings of the conference |
Name of the conference |
Year and month of publication |
ISBN of the Book/Conference Proceeding |
Name of the Publisher |
Proof Link |
1 |
Harshal P. Varade |
Air Quality Hotspot Monitoring with Trajectories of IoT in Smart City Implementation |
2023 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Social Networking (ICPCSN) |
June 2023 |
DOI: 10.1109/ICPCSN58827.2023.00001 |
2 |
Harshal P. Varade |
Framework of Air Pollution Assessment in Smart Cities using IoT with Machine Learning Approach |
2023 2nd International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and Computing (ICAAIC) |
5/4/2023 |
DOI: 10.1109/ICAAIC56838.2023.10140834 |
Research Journal Paper Publications
AY: 2022-2023
Name of the Author(s) |
Title of the Paper |
Name of the Journal |
Month and Year of publication |
Link to the notification in UGC enlistment of the Journal |
Dr. S S Raj |
Performance Of Polymer Composite Constituted Cabinet Dryer Integrated Within A Solar Flat Plate Collector |
Advances in Materials Science Engineering |
2023 |
1687-8442 |
Dr. A V Damale |
Microstructural, Thermo-Physical And Mechanical Characterization Of A Laser Remelted Plasma Sprayed Nicraly/8YSZ Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) On Inconel 718 |
Lasers in Engineering |
Sep-23 |
0898-1507 (print), 1029-029X (online) | |
Dr. S.P. Palekar |
Higher Order Computational Model Considering The Effects Of transverse Normal Strain And 2-Parameter Elastic Foundation for The Bending Of Laminated Panels |
Applied and Computational Mechanics |
Jun-23 |
2336-1182 |
Dr. S.P. Palekar |
Free Vibration Analysis Of Anti-Symmetric FGM Sandwich Circular Beams Using A Fifth-Order Circular Beam Theory |
Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration |
2022 |
1584-7284 |
Mahesh Nagarkar |
Design of passive suspension system to mimic fuzzy logic control active suspension system |
Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences |
Sep-22 |
2314-8543 | |
Research Conference Paper Publications
AY: 2021-2022
Sl. No. |
Name of the Teacher |
Title of the Chapter published |
Name of the conference |
Year and month of publication |
ISBN of the Book/Conference Proceeding |
Name of the Publisher |
Proof Link |
1 |
Palekar Shailesh P. |
Probabilistic mixed mode stress intensity factors of single edge cracked laminated composite plates using stochastic extended finite element method |
International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM), Asian-Pacific Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science (APCATS), Asian Joint Symposium on Aerospace Engineering (AJSAE), and Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI), December 20-22, 2021 |
Dec-21 |
9781003324539 |
CRC Taylor & Francis |
2 |
Suryavanshi V. J. |
Based on Natural Frequencies, Crack Analysis of Fixed Support Fiber Glass Composite Beam |
International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM), Asian-Pacific Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science (APCATS), Asian Joint Symposium on Aerospace Engineering (AJSAE), and Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI), December 20-22, 2021 |
Dec-21 |
9781003324539 |
CRC Taylor & Francis |
Research Journal Paper Publications
AY: 2021-2022
Name of the Author (s) |
Title of the Paper |
Name of the Journal |
Month and Year of publication |
Link to the notification in UGC enlistment of the Journal |
D.P. Bhaskar, |
Numerical Analysis of Thick Isotropic and Transversely Isotropic Plates in Bending using FE Based New Inverse Shear Deformation Theory |
International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering IJAME |
Sep-21 |
2229-8649 |
Adinath Vitthal Damale |
Optimization of dry sliding wear characteristics of Al–25Zn/SiC hybrid composites by graphite reinforcement using artificial neural network and Taguchi’s method |
Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces |
Mar-22 |
1751-584X |
Mahesh Nagarkar |
Improvement of Ride Comfort in a Passenger Car Using Magneto Rheological (MR) Damper |
Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies |
Apr-22 |
2523-3939 | |
K. C. Bhosale |
Flexible Job Shop Scheduling for Press Working Industries with Operation Precedence Constraint |
Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability |
Feb-22 |
2509-4246 | |
Granted Patent (Faculty) for the Year 2023-24
Sr No
Name of Patent |
Author |
QR Code |
1 |
Vaibhav Jagan Suryawanshi
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2 |
Vaibhav Jagan Suryawanshi
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3 |
Adjustable Trailer Hitch
Vaibhav Jagan Suryawanshi |
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4 |
Grilled Trolley Cargo Bicycle
Vaibhav Jagan Suryawanshi
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5 |
Mr.Patil Pankaj Nagin
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Granted Patent (Students) for the Year 2022-23
Sr No
Name of Patent |
Author |
QR Code |
1 |
Kedar Prajakta Balasaheb
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2 |
Pangavhane Sahil Bhausaheb
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3 |
Sonawane Yashodip Bhagwan
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4 |
Gawali Saurabh Vilas
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5 |
Jayesh Santosh Bhambare
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6 |
Rathod Omkar Ranavishwasinha
7 |
Ghodake Jay Devidas
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Summary of Sanctioned Projects
Sr No |
Faculty |
Title of Project |
Funding Agency |
Date |
Sanctioned Amount (Rs) |
Current Status |
AY 2020-21 |
1 |
S R Thorat Dr. A G Thakur |
Investigation of Influence of Burnishing Process on Surface Properties of Aluminum Alloy |
Research Mentorship Program, Aspire, BCUD, SPPU Pune |
11/06/2019 |
1,00,000/- |
Ongoing |
2 |
N D Sadaphal K N Wakchaure |
Underwater Friction Stir Welding of Magnesium Alloy. |
Research Mentorship Program, Aspire, BCUD, SPPU Pune |
11/06/2019 |
90,000/- |
Ongoing |
Total |
1,90,000.00 |
AY 2019-20 |
1 |
V. J. Suryavanshi |
Digitalized Ice plant test rig with data logger system |
Research Mentorship Program, BCUD, SPPU Pune |
23/12/2019 |
1.00.000/- |
Completed |
2 |
S R Thorat Dr. A G Thakur |
Investigation of Influence of Burnishing Process on Surface Properties of Aluminum Alloy |
Research Mentorship Program, Aspire, BCUD, SPPU Pune |
11/06/2019 |
1,00,000/- |
Ongoing |
3 |
N D Sadaphal K N Wakchaure |
Underwater Friction Stir Welding of Magnesium Alloy. |
Research Mentorship Program, Aspire, BCUD, SPPU Pune |
11/06/2019 |
90,000/- |
Ongoing |
Total |
2,90,000.00 |
AY 2018-19 |
1 |
S R Thorat Dr. A G Thakur |
Investigation of Influence of Burnishing Process on Surface Properties of Aluminum Alloy |
Research Mentorship Program, Aspire, BCUD, SPPU Pune |
11/06/2019 |
1,00,000/- |
Ongoing |
2 |
N D Sadaphal K N Wakchaure |
Underwater Friction Stir Welding of Magnesium Alloy. |
Research Mentorship Program, Aspire, BCUD, SPPU Pune |
11/06/2019 |
90,000/- |
Ongoing |
Total |
1,90,000.00 |
AY 2014-16 |
1 |
S.V.Fartale K.C.Bhosale Dr.A.G.Thakur |
Development of Magneto -Rherehological (MR) Brake for two wheeler |
27/03/2015 |
2,40,000/- |
Completed |
2 |
K. C. Bhosale Dr.A.G.Thakur |
Optimization of heat balance in resistance spot welding and improvement of fatigue life of welded joints |
27/03/2015 |
1,70,000/- |
Completed |
3 |
Dr. S. P. Palekar |
Probabilistic Finite Element Method modeling and fracture analysis of single edge notched laminated composite plate. |
27/03/2015 |
80,000/- |
Completed |
4 |
K. N. Wakcahure Dr.A.G.Thakur |
Experimental investigation of influence of tool geometry on mechanical properties of friction stir welded joint |
27/03/2015 |
2,00,000/- |
Completed |
Total |
6,90,000.00 |
Summary of Sponsored Projects Completed Till Date
Sr. No. |
Faculty |
Title Of Project |
Funding Agency |
Sanctioned Amount (Rs) |
Year |
1 |
Dr. S.P. Kellog |
Static and Dynamic Simulation of Mechanical System by CADCAM |
AICTE, New Delhi |
5,00000/- |
1997-99 |
2 |
Prof. M. V. Nagarhalli |
Alternative Sources of Energy |
AICTE, New Delhi |
5,00000/- |
1997-99 |
3 |
Dr. A.P. Walwadekar Prof. A. G. Thakur |
Modernization of CAM Laboratory with Robotic Workstation and Non-Conventional Machining |
AICTE, New Delhi |
7,00,000/- |
1999 -2000 |
4 |
Prof. M. V. Nagarhalli |
Alternate Fuel-Performance Evaluation of Bio Diesel in Compression Ignition Engines |
BCUD, Pune University- Pune |
3,00,000/- |
2007-09 |
5 |
Prof C. L. Prabhune |
Design and Development of Small Capacity Power Generation Unit and Operate it Using Solar Energy |
BCUD, Pune University- Pune |
3,00,000/- |
2007-09 |
6 |
Prof. A. G. Thakur |
Prediction of Spot Welding Parameters for Quality Weld using Optimization Techniques |
BCUD, Pune University- Pune |
1,00,000/- |
2007-09 |
7 |
Prof. S. S. Ingle |
Design and Development of Biomass Gasifier using Wood |
BCUD, Pune University- Pune |
1,00,000/- |
2007-09 |
8 |
Prof. H.N. Kudal |
Analytical and Experimental Investigation on Forced Convection Solar Tunnel Bagasse Dryer |
BCUD, Pune University- Pune |
75,000/- |
2009-11 |
9 |
Prof. S. V. Bhaskar |
Tribological Behavior of Low Friction Surface Coating Materials |
BCUD, Pune University- Pune |
1,50,000/- |
2009-11 |
10 |
Prof. L. S. Dhamande |
Analytical, Numerical and Experimental Study of Hydrostatic Journal Bearing for Grinding Machines |
BCUD, Pune University- Pune |
1,50,000/- |
2009-11 |
11 |
Prof. A.T.Talware |
Analytical and Experimental Investigation on Forced Convection Solar Air Heater |
BCUD, Pune University- Pune |
75,000/- |
2009-11 |
12 |
Prof. P. M. Patare |
Tribological Performance Analysis of Various Bearing Materials |
BCUD, Pune University- Pune |
1,50,000/- |
2010-12 |
13 |
Prof. A. V. Damale |
Design and Development of Breaking System for Tyred Wheel Bullock Cart |
BCUD, Pune University- Pune |
1,60,000/- |
2013-15 |
14 |
Prof. S. V. Fartale Prof. K. C. Bhosale Dr. A. G. Thakur |
Development of Magneto -Rheological (MR) Brake for Two Wheeler |
2,40,000/- |
2014-16 |
15 |
Prof. K. C. Bhosale Dr. A. G. Thakur |
Optimization of Heat Balance in Resistance Spot Welding and Improvement of Fatigue Life of Welded Joints |
1,70,000/- |
2014-16 |
16 |
Prof. S. P. Palekar |
Probabilistic Finite Element Method Modeling and Fracture Analysis of Single Edge Notched Laminated Composite Plate. |
80,000/- |
2014-16 |
17 |
Prof. K. N. Wakcahure Dr. A. G. Thakur |
Experimental Investigation of Influence of Tool Geometry on Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Joint |
2,00,000/- |
2014-16 |
18 |
Prof. V. J. Suryavanshi |
Digitalized Ice Plant Test Rig with Data Logger System |
Research Mentorship Program, BCUD, SPPU Pune |
1,00,000/- |
2019-20 |
Total |
40,50,000/- |
Consultancy Work 2019-20
Project Title |
Duration |
Funding Agency |
Amount (Rs) |
Student Innovation project on MSME Live problems |
One Year |
Marathwada Association of Small Scale Industries (MASSIA) and GIZ Germany |
574600 |
Consultancy Work 2018-19
Project Title |
Duration |
Funding Agency |
Amount (Rs) |
Student Innovation project on MSME Live problems |
One Year |
Marathwada Association of Small Scale Industries (MASSIA) and GIZ Germany |
190000 |
Anti-Riot Helmet Analysis |
One Year |
Design Innovation Center, IDC IITB Mumbai |
30000 |
Vibration measurement |
One Year |
Deogiri COE, Aurangabad |
7000 |
Project Title |
Duration |
Funding Agency |
Amount (Rs) |
Vibration measurement |
One Year |
MMNATC COE Malegaon |
10000 |
Project Title |
Duration |
Funding Agency |
Amount (Rs) |
Vibration measurement |
One Year |
MMNATC COE Malegaon |
10000 |
ACADEMIC YEAR 2018-19 | |||||
1 | 201821022292 A | Child safety door latch lock | Dr. A G Thakur, Mr. K N Wakchaure, Mr Ankit Kapale, Mr. Prashant Jadhav |
29-06-2018 | Published |
2 | 201821022343 A | Tube and tubeless chambered hybrid tire | Dr. A G Thakur, Mr. K N Wakchaure, Mr. N D. Sadaphal Mr Ankit Kapale, Mr. Prashant Jadhav |
29-06-2018 | Published |
3 | 201821022388 A | Helmet with hands-free visor control | Dr. A G Thakur, Mr. K N Wakchaure, Mr Ankit Kapale, Mr. Prashant Jadhav |
29-06-2018 | Published |
4. | 201821004172 | Control moment Gyroscope configuration for Spherical Robot Vehicle. | Mr Ankit Kapale Mr. Prashant Jadhav |
04-02-2018 | Application Awaiting Examination |
Academic Year 2015-16 | |||||
1 | 201621007509 | Clutch Gear Lever technology for gear shifting in Automobile | Mr. S.V.Fartale | 03-03-2016 | Published |
2 | 201621000892 | Development of POLYTETRAFLUROETHYLENE (PTFE) composite base material for sugarcane crushing roller. | Dr. P M Patare | 11-01-2016 | Published |
3 | 201621000943 | Hand wheel mounted hand operated (paddle less) smart braking system for four wheeler automobiles. | Mr. S.V.Fartale | 11-01-2016 | Published |
Academic Year 2014-15 | |||||
1 | 1264/MUM/2015 | Innovative Method of Conversion of Car Into Bike And Vice A Versa. | Dr. S S Ingale | 31-03-2015 | Application Examined (Fer Issued) |
2 | 724/MUM/2014 | Pedal Operated Gooseberry Seed Removing Machine. | Mr. M D Pasarkar Mr. D P Bhaskar Dr. A. G. Thakur |
28-02-2014 | Application Awaiting Examination |
3 | 102/MUM/2014 | Innovative Method of Emission Reduction of Diesel Engine Using Cerium Oxide A+s A Fuel Additive. | Dr. S S Ingale | 13-01-2014 | Application in Amended stage |
Sr. No. |
Author |
Co Author |
Title of the Paper |
Name of Journal |
doi |
Citation Indexing |
Academic Year 2021-22 |
1 |
Mr. K. C. Bhosle |
Mr. P.J. Pawar |
Flexible job shop scheduling for press working industries with operation precedence constraint. |
Process integration and Optimization for Sustainability. |
0 |
Academic Year 2020-21 |
1 |
K.C.Bhosle |
P.J.Pawar |
Production planning and scheduling problem of continuous parallel lines with demand uncertainty and different production capacities |
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Volume 7, Issue 6, December 2020 |
Scopus |
2 |
S.P.Palekar |
A.Lal (SVNIT Surat) |
XFEM for Fracture Analysis of Centrally Cracked Laminated Plates Subjected to Biaxial Loads |
Mechanics of Advanced Composite structure 8 (2021) 213 – 234 |
10.22075/MACS.2021.20393.1257 |
Scopus |
3 |
S.P.Palekar |
A.Lal (SVNIT Surat) |
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering | |
Scopus SCIE |
4 |
N.S.Aher |
Anurag Hamilton |
Study and Analysis of Polymer / Composite Thermal Insulation Material and Comfort Based Building Simulation with Applicability of Evaporative Cooling |
Journal of Polymer & Composites Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021 | |
Web of Science |
5 |
A.V.Damale |
Optimization of dry sliding wear characteristic of Al-25Zn/SiC hybrid composites by graphite reinforcement using artificial neural network and Taguchis method |
Tribology- Materials, surfaces and Interfaces Volume 15, Issue 4 (2021) |
6 |
A. G. Thakur |
Sachin Kakde |
Comparative analysis and investigations of welding processes applied for hardfacing using AHP |
International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies,Vol. XIII, No. 1 / 2021 |
Scopus |
7 |
D.P.Bhaskar |
A.G.Thakur |
Numerical Analysis of Thick Isotropic and Transversely Isotropic Plates in Bending using FE Based New Inverse Shear Deformation Theory |
International Journal Of Automotive And Mechanical Engineering (IJAME) |
10.15282/ijame.18.3.2021.04.0681 |
Scopus |
Academic Year 2019-20 |
1 |
S. V. Bhaskar |
Dr. H.N.Kudal (COE Yeola) |
Multi-criteria decision-making approach to material selection in tribological application |
Int. Journal of Operational Research, 36(1), 2019. |
1 Scopus |
2 |
V.J. Surywanshi |
Dr. A.C.Pawar (BharatiVidyapeeth) |
Defect detection of composite honeycomb structure by vibration analysis technique |
Materials Today: 27(3), 2020, 2731-2735 |
4 Scopus |
3 |
S.P. Palekar |
Dr. A Lal (NIT Surat) |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 814 (2020) |
1 Scopus |
4 |
D.P. Bhaskar |
Dr. A.G.Thakur (COE Koapragon) |
Geometrically Nonlinear analysis of Laminated Composite Plates subjected to Uniform Distributed Load using a New Hypothesis: FEM approach. |
Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures 7(2020) 271 – 285 |
- Scopus |
5 |
S.R. Thorat |
Dr. A.G.Thakur (COE Koapragon) |
Analysis of surface roughness and wear resistance in low plasticity burnishing process using multi-objective optimization technique |
Materials Today: Proceedings |
- Scopus |
Academic Year 2018-19 |
1 |
K C Bhosle |
Dr. P.J. Pawar (KKW Nashik) |
Integrated Production Planning and scheduling for parallel production lines. |
Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques (Book chapter) |
1 Scopus |
2 |
V. P. Bhaurkar |
Dr. A.G.Thakur (COE Koapragon) |
Investigation of crack in beams using anti-resonance technique and FEA approach |
Journal of Engg, Design and Technology (Emerald Publishing) |
2 Scopus |
3 |
D. P. Bhaskar |
Dr. A.G.Thakur (COE Koapragon) |
FE Modeling for geometrically nonlinear analysis of laminated plates using a new plate theory. |
Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science. Volume 6, Number 5, September 2019, pages 409-426 |
// |
- Scopus ESCI |
4 |
C. S. Pant |
(IIT Bombay) |
Evaluation of an energy consistent entrainment model for volumetrically forced jets using large eddy simulations |
Physics of Fluids 30,2018,105107 |
- SCI |
5 |
P.M. Patare |
Dr. G.S.Lathkar (COE Nanded) |
Optimization of Glass fiber and MoS2 Filled PTFE Composites Using Non Traditional Optimization Techniques |
Materials Today: Science direct. |
- Scopus |
6 |
A. B. Bhagwat |
Dr. K Bhagel (IIT Bombay) |
Falling Water films over vertical surfaces due to orthogonal water jet impingement |
Fluid Dynamics Research (Japanese society of fluid mechanics) |
- Scopus |
Academic Year 2017-18 |
1 |
L. S. Dhamande |
Dr. M B Chaudhari (VIT Pune) |
Compound gear-bearing fault feature extraction using statistical features based on time-frequency method |
Measurement (Elsevier), 125, 2018, 63-77 |
48 Scopus Web of Science |
2 |
K. N. Wakchaure |
Dr. A.G. Thakur (COE Koapragon) |
Multi-Objective Optimization of Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium Alloy 6082-T6 Using hybrid Taguchi-Grey Relation Analysis- ANN Method |
Materials Today: Proceedings(Science direct), 5(2), 2018, 7150-7159 |
13 Scopus |
3 |
S. V. Bhaskar |
Dr. H.N.Kudal (COE Yeola) |
Effect of TiCN and AlCrN Coating on TribologicalBehaviour of Plasma nitrided AISI 4140 Steel |
International Journal of Surface Engineering and Interdisciplinary Materials Science., 5(2), 2017 |
1 Scopus |
4 |
S. R. Thorat |
Dr. A.G.Thakur (COE Koapragon) |
Optimization of Burnishing Parameters by Taguchi Based GRA Method of AA 6061 Aluminum Alloy |
Materials Today: Proceedings(Science direct),5, 2, 2018, 7394-7403 |
6 Scopus |
5 |
K.C. Bhosle |
Dr. P.J. Pawar (KKW Nashik) |
Material flow optimization of production planning and scheduling problem in flexible manufacturing system by real coded genetic algorithm (RCGA) |
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal( Springer) 31, 2019,81–423 |
3 ESCI |
6 |
B. K. Hardik |
S.V.Prabhu (IIT Bombay) |
Boiling pressure drop, local heat transfer distribution and critical heat flux in helical coils with R123 |
International Journal of Thermal Sciences. (Elsevier),125, 2018, 149-165 |
- Scopus SCIE |
7 |
S. V. Bhaskar |
H.N.Kudal (COE Yeola) |
Investigation of Tribological Behavior of Nitrided and Coated AISI 4140 Steel |
Journal of Materials Science & Surface Engineering, 5(5):,2017,627-632 |
- SCI |
8 |
P. M. Patare |
G.S.Lathkar (COE Nanded) |
Dry Sliding Wear Performance Optimization of MoS2 Filled PTFE Composite Using Taguchi Approach |
Springer International Publishing Techno Science Springer. (Book chapter ) |
- Scopus (BOOK) |
Academic Year 2016-17 |
1 |
S.V. Bhaskar |
H.N.Kudal (COE Yeola) |
Experimental Investigation and Statistical Approach to Wear Characterization of Plasma Nitrided AISI 4140 Steel-A Case Study |
Journal of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, 15(1), 2017. |
- Scopus |
2 |
S.V. Bhaskar |
H.N.Kudal (COE Yeola) |
Tribology of nitrided-coated steel-a review |
Archives of Mechanical Technology and Materials, DE GRUYTER Mechanical Technology and Materials, 37,50-57. |
4 Scopus |
3 |
S. P. Palekar |
Dr.A Lal (NIT Surat) |
Stochastic Fracture Analysis of Laminated Composite Plate with Arbitrary Cracks using X-FEM |
International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 13(2), 2017,195–228. |
10 Scopus SCI |
4 |
S. P. Palekar |
Dr.A Lal (NIT Surat) |
Stochastic extended finite element implementation for fracture analysis of central cracked laminated composite plate |
Aerospace Science and Technology, (Elsevier), 60, 2017, 131-151. |
9 Scopus INSPEC |
5 |
S. M. Gujrathi |
F.Z.Pathan (BITS, Pilani, Goa) |
Optimization for Tribological Properties of Glass Fiber-Reinforced PTFE Composites with Grey Relational Analysis |
Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Materials, 2016, 1-7. |
4 |
6 |
L.S.Dhamande |
Dr.M B Chaudhari (VIT Pune) |
Detection of combined gear bearing fault in single stage spur gear box using Artificial Neural Network |
Procedia Engineering 144 -2016- 759-766. |
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2016.05.082 |
25 Scopus |
7 |
L.S.Dhamande |
Dr.M B Chaudhari (VIT Pune) |
Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Statistical Feature Extraction in Time and Frequency Domain and Neural Network, |
International Journal of Vehicle structures and systems, 4-2016- 229-240. |
doi:10.4273/ijvss.8.4.09. |
7 Scopus |
Academic Year 2015-16
Academic Year 2014-15
Sr. No. | Date | Name & Address | Type of Work Done | Service provided by | Charges in Rs. |
Academic Year 2018-19 | |||||
1 | 7/24/2018 | Marathwada Association of Small Scale Industries (MASSIA) and GIZ Germany | Student Innovation project on MSME Live problems | Faculties with students. | 190,000 |
2 | 3/18/2019 | MMNATC COE and Tech Malegaon | Vibration measurment | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 6000 |
3 | 1/12/2019 | Deogiri COE-Aurangabad | Vibration measurment | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 1000 |
4 | 8/18/2018 | Design innovation Center, IDC IITB Mumbai | Anti-Riot Helmet Analysis | Dr. A. B. Bhagwat, K. N. Wakchaure | 30,000 |
Academic Year 2017-18 | |||||
5 | 9/25/2017 | MMNATC COE and Tech Malegaon | Vibration measurment | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 10000 |
Academic Year 2016-17 | |||||
6 | 10/3/2016 | MMNATC COE and Tech Malegaon | Vibration measurment | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 10000 |
Academic Year 2015-16 | |||||
7 | 4/4/2016 | Mr. Jadhav Sandeep, SNJB, Chandwad | Vibration analysis of Gear box | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 6000 |
8 | 7/15/2015 | Mr. Kolhe M.P. AVCOE,Sangamer | Natural frequency of healthy and cracked beam using FFT Analyser | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 6000 |
9 | 6/30/2015 | Miss.Toshita Dhande MIT,Aurangabad | Using FFT Analyser | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 5000 |
10 | 6/4/2015 | Mr. Pankaj D. Shinde :AVCOE, Sangamner | Surface finish testing | Prof. H. P. Varade | 1000 |
Academic Year 2014-15 | |||||
11 | 5/13/2015 | Mrs. Archana Bhandwalkar, :L.G.N.Sapkal COE,Nashik | Vibration analysis of Gear box | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 7000 |
12 | 4/8/2015 | Mr. Vaibhav Jondhale, :AVCOE, Sangamner | Natural frequency of healthy and cracked beam using FFT Analyser | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 6000 |
13 | 4/1/2015 | Mr. George Jinson, SSGB Bhusawal | Vibration analysis of composite isolator | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 5000 |
14 | 3/25/2015 | Mr. Mhaske Rushikesh, SNJB Chandwad | Natural frequency of healthy and cracked propeller shaft using FFT Analyser | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 6000 |
15 | 11/6/2014 | Miss. Poonam Sonawane | Using FFT Analyser | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 5000 |
16 | 9/22/2014 | Mr. Ashish Borhade | Natural frequency of healthy and cracked beam using FFT Analyser | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 5000 |
17 | 6/3/2014 | Mr. Amit Patil, SMIT, Polytechnic, Jalgaon | Natural frequency of healthy and cracked beam using FFT Analyser | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 5000 |
Academic Year 2013-14 | |||||
18 | 5/9/2014 | Mr. M. Ramjan, : J.T. Mahajan , COE, Faizpur | Vibration analysis of Rubber Isolator using FFT Analyser | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 5000 |
19 | 3/10/2014 | Mr. Ajinkya S.Pisal, :RIT,Sakhrale | Friction and wear test on Pin on disc machine. | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 3000 |
20 | 3/10/2014 | Mr. Abhijit Suryawanshi, :RIT,Sakharale | Friction and wear test on Pin on disc machine. | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 3000 |
21 | 2/26/2014 | Mr. M. M. Chavan, Mr. Salunke S.S., Mr. Nikam V.T. Mr. Sontakke S. H. Mr. Khatake S.N. :ADCET, Ashta, Sangali |
Friction and wear test on Pin on disc machine. | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 3000 |
22 | 2/25/2014 | Mr. M. Ramjan. : J.T. Mahajan , COE, Faizpur | Vibration analysis of beams using FFT Analyser | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 5000 |
23 | 2/10/2014 | Mr. M.P.Badgujar, : S.S.G.B. College of Engg., Bhusawal | Vibration analysis of Bearings using FFT Analyser | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 5000 |
24 | 1/10/2014 | Mr. Y B. Patil , : S.S.G.B. College of Engg., Bhusawal | Natural frequency of healthy and cracked beam using FFT Analyser | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 5000 |
25 | 1/7/2014 | Mr. Kadlag R.U, : S.N.D. College of Engg., Yeola | Natural frequency of healthy and cracked beam using FFT Analyser | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 5000 |
26 | 12/14/2013 | Mr. Rane H.S, : S.S.G.B. College of Engg., Bhusawal | Natural frequency of gear box cover using FFT Analyser | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 5000 |
27 | 12/14/2013 | Mr. Bagul A.D., : S.S.G.B. College of Engg., Bhusawal | Natural frequency of healthy and cracked beam using FFT Analyser | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 5000 |
Academic Year 2012-13 | |||||
28 | 4/8/2013 | Prof. K.M. Bhuptani, : Atmiya Institute of Technology & Science, Rajkot | Friction and wear test on Pin on disc machine. | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 4000 |
29 | 2/22/2013 | Mr. Avahad Adinath Mr. Chikane Pravin Mr. Kulkarni Ganesh Mr. Nagargoje Babasaheb : Genba Sopanrao Moze College of Engg., Pune |
Friction and wear test on Pin on disc machine. | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 1000 |
30 | 2/7/2013 | Mr. Kulkarni S.S., : Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Kolhapur | Friction and wear test on Pin on disc machine. | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 2000 |
31 | 2/4/2013 | Mr. H. H. Patil : R.I.T. College, Islampur | Friction and wear test on Pin on disc machine. | Prof. L.S. Dhamande | 2000 |
Total | 357,000 |