Name: Prof. Shailesh Satishrao Kulkarni
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Electronics & Computer Engineering
Date of Joining the Institution: 01/08/2009
Qualifications with Class/Grade:
UG: E&TC (First Division)
PG: ETX (First Class with Distinction)
Total Experience in Years:
Teaching: 10.5 Yrs.
Industry: 3.6 Yrs.
Research: NIL
Paper Published:
National: NIL
International: 01
Papers presented in conferences:
National: NIL
International: 01
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents: NIL
Professional Memberships: LMISTE(67078)
Consultancy Activities: Sucessfully Completed and inplemented Project at Shree Engineering, Aurangabad under the banner of MASSiA.
Awards: NIL
Grants fetched: NIL
Interaction with Professional Institutions: NIL