Name: Dr. Madhuri Appasaheb Jawale
Designation: Professor & HOD
Department: Information Technology
Date of Joining the Institution: 11/12/2008
Qualifications with Class/Grade:
UG: BE Computer Engineering Ist Class
M. Tech Computer Engineering Ist Class
Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering Awarded
Total Experience in Years:
Teaching: 18 Yrs.
Industry: NIL
Research: 08 Yrs.
Paper Published:
National: 09
International: 20
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents Book Chapter “Fundamentals of Sentiment Analysis:
Concepts and Methodology” in Sentiment Analysis and Ontology Engineering Volume 639 of the series Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer International Publishing, pp 25-48, 2016
Professional Memberships: LMISTE, CSI, IEI, IEEE
Consultancy Activities:
1. Developed and deployed Industry Sponsored Projects.
2. 10+ projects are developed and deployed towards In-house consultancy work.
1. Received Best Teacher Award of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune in academic year 2019-20.
2. Received Best Engineering College Teacher Award for Maharashtra State in 2018 from Indian Society for Technical Education.
3. Received ‘Lady Engineer Award’ from Institute of Engineers (India), Ahmednagar in 2016.
4. Received ‘Best Teacher Dr. Radhakrishnan Award’ from Sanjivani College of Engineering, Kopargaon in the academic year 2016-17.
Grants fetched:
1. BCUD, SPPU, Pune Sanctioned Rs.1,10,000=00 for Academic Year 2014-2015 (Principal Investigator)
2. BCUD, SPPU, Pune Sanctioned Rs.90,000=00 for Academic Year 2013-2014 (Co-Investigator)
Interaction with Professional Institutions: YES