Name: Prof.A.S.Aher
Designation:Assistant Professor
Department: Engineering Science and Humanities
Date of Joining the Institution: 14/11/2022
Qualifications with Class/Grade:
PG:M.Sc.(First Class)
Total Experience in Years:
Teaching: 1.3 Yrs.
Industry: Nil
Research: NIL
Paper Published:
National: 00
International: 00
Paper Presented in Conferences
National: 00
International: 00
No of Books published with details:1) Engineering Mathematics-I 2) Engineering Mathematics-II Gigatech Publication House, Pune
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents: NIL
Professional Memberships:Nil
Consultancy Activities: NIL
Awards: Nil
Grants fetched: Nil
Interaction with professional institutions:Nil