Name of teaching staff : Dr. Hrushikesh N. Kedar
Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : Structural Engineering
Date of joining the institution: 24/07/2023
Qualifications with Class/Grade:
- UG: BE Civil (First Class with Distinction)
- PG: M. Tech Geotech (CGPA - 8.25)
- Ph.D: Civil Engineering (SVNIT, Surat)
Total Experience in Years:
- Teaching: 1.5 Years
- Industry: NA
- Research: 4.5 years
Paper Published:
- National: 01
- International:05
Papers presented in conferences:
- National:03
- International:05
Ph D Guide: No
- Field –NA
- University –NA
- PhD Completed- NA
Books Published- Nil
IPRs/ Patents: Nil
Professional Memberships: Nil
Consultancy Activities: Nil
Awards: Best Performer of the Year 2024-2025 (Admission)
Grants fetched: Nil
Interaction with Professional Institutions: nil
Area of Research:
Geosynthetics Application in Pavement and Retaining Wall.
Geogrid Reinforced System in Flexible Pavement.
Application of industrial waste in road pavement.