Name: Dr. Sidhant Sanjay Kulkarni
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Mechatronics
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Joining the Institution: 1/8/2011
Qualifications with Class/Grade:
UG: B.E. (E&Tc) Distinction
PG: M.Tech (EDT) Distinction
Ph.D: Pursuing
Total Experience in Years:
Teaching: 08 Yrs.
Industry: 01
Research: NIL
Paper Published:
National: NIL
International: 05
Papers presented in conferences:
National: NIL
International: 01
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents: NIL
Professional Memberships: NIL
Consultancy Activities: NIL
Awards: Certified with “Class-A Proficiency Award” for completing TBT2016 by IIT, Bombay.
Grants fetched: NIL
Interaction with Professional Institutions: Certified with “Class-A Proficiency Award” for completing TBT2016 by IIT, Bombay.