Name: : Dr. Patankar Subhash Vasantrao
Designation: Professor
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Department: Civil Engineering
Date of Joining the Institution: 01/12/1995
Qualifications with Class/Grade:
UG: B.E. Civil (First Class)
PG: M.E. (Structures) First Class
Ph D Structural Engg
Total Experience in Years:
Teaching: 26.4 Yrs.
Industry: 1 Yrs
Research: 13 Yrs.
Paper Published:
International: 34
Papers presented in conferences :
National: 05
International: 12
Ph D Guide ?Give field & University:
Field - Structure
University - SPPU,Pune
Ph Ds/ Projects Guided
Ph Ds - NIL
Projects PG level - NIL
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents:03
Professional Memberships: 05
- Life Member of ISTE (membership No. – LM24643 - 1997)
- Fellow of IEI (membership No. – F124358-2 - 2018)
- Indian Society of Rock Mechanics and Tunneling Technology–ISRMTT (LM-1596– 2003)
- Life Member of Ferrocement Society of Pune, India (membership No. – LM129 - 2015)
- Senior Member of the IRED (Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors) Membership No. – SNM1010002890- 2015)
Consultancy Activities: 13
- Structural Audit of G+2 RCC building of Shree Ganesh Junior College, Korhale, Tal. Rahata.
- Structural Audit of administrative building of Sugar Factory at Amrutnagar, Sangamner.
- Non Destructive Testing of RCC Columns and Beams of Besgaon Pump house and Malegaon Karyat MBR-V, Sub-Divisional Engineer, M.J.P. (U & R) Scheme, Sub-Divn., Manmad
- Inspection of existing hooks for installation of new Chandeliers at various places in and around Shri Saibaba Samadhi Mandir, shirdi.
- Structural Audit of existing RCC Ogee and Piers of Nilawandhe Dam.
- Structural Audit of Third Party structural design audit of water tanks for Jivan Pradhikarn, Minor Irrigation Department.
- Third Party structural design audit of Low cost housing project of Malegaon Mahanagarpalika.
- Mix design for various industries (M20, M25, M30, M35, M40) like shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi, Central Railway for Puntamba Railway line over Bridges, Shirdi Air port, Prabhat Dairy, etc.
- Third Party structural audit of water tank in Kopargaon and Yeola Taluka under panchayt samiti and Jivan pradhikaran and Prampanchyat.
- Testing of Construction Materials like Concrete, steel, cement, bricks, tiles, paver blocks, fly ash, timber, steel sections, tendons, Man hole covers, pipes, etc.
- Third Party Inspection of pipes, manhole covers, precast element, etc.
- Structural Audit of GSR and ESR in Nasik and Nagar District.
- Design of Guide wall for Nilwande Dam.
- Best Innovative Teacher given by Savitribai Phule Pune, University, 2019-20.
- Outstanding Engineers Award given by Institution of Engineers, 2018-19.
- Dr. J. M. Chandra Kisan Award in Structural Engineering for best research paper in Green City National Conference Held at Parul Institute of Engineering & Technology, Limda, Vadodara.
- Dr. K. Ramamurthy Award of Rs. 2,500 /- in Building Construction and Material for best paper in Green City National Conference Held at GTU, Ahamadabad.
- Winner of National level Ash Contest organized by NTPC, New Delhi (cash prize of Rs. 3 lakh)
Grants fetched: 03 (3.5 Lakh)
1.Received a grant of 1, 00,000/- from BCUD, University of Pune, for organizing a state level Two days workshop on “Special Types of Concrete and its Applications” for the AY 2017-18.
2. Received a grant of 1, 00,000/- from BCUD, University of Pune, for organizing a state level Two days workshop on “Introduction to FEM and its Engineering applications” for the AY 2015-16.
3. Received a grant of 1, 50,000/- from BCUD, University of Pune, for research work on “Production and applications of fly ash based geopolymer concrete”.
Interaction with Professional Institutions: MERI, Nasik, Ferrocement Society of India, Pune
Area of Research:
Cement Concrete, Geopolymer Concrete, Concrete composite, Ferrocement