Name of teaching staff : Dr. V. VIGNESH
Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : Structural Engineering
Date of joining the institution: 31/07/2023
Qualifications with Class/Grade:
- UG: B.E. Civil Engineering (I class with Distinction)
- PG: M.E. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (I class with Distinction)
- Ph. D- Geotechnical Engineering
Total Experience in Years:
- Teaching: 3 Years
- Industry: Nil
- Research: 5 Years
Paper Published:
- National: 2
- International: 4
Papers presented in conferences:
- National: 2
- International: 1
Ph D Guide:
- Field – Nil
- University – Nil
- PhD Completed- Nil
- PhD Pursuing - Nil
Books Published- Nil
IPRs/ Patents: 2
Professional Memberships: DFI, IGS.
Consultancy Activities: Nil
- Raman Research Award for paper publication from Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore.
- D. Thesis recognized for “iGrip Research Award-2023” Conducted by IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Grants fetched: SEED Grant of Rs.4,00,000 from VIT, Vellore to carry out research.
Interaction with Professional Institutions: Nil.
Area of Research: Helical pile foundations, Soil-Pile interaction, Finite Element Modelling, Ground Improvement Techniques.