Name: Gayake Sudhir Bhaskarrao
Designation: Asst. Professor
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Department: Structural Engineering
Date of Joining the Institution: 01/06/2015
Qualifications with Class/Grade:
UG: B.E. Civil (First Class)
PG: M.E (Structures) (First Class)
PhD: Pursuing
Total Experience in Years:
Teaching: 9 Yrs.
Industry: 01 Yrs.
Research: NIL
Paper Published:
Papers presented in conferences :
National: NIL
International: 03
Ph D Guide ?Give field & University:
Field - NIL
University - NIL
Ph Ds/ Projects Guided
Ph Ds - NIL
Projects PG level - NIL
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents: 15 design patents
Professional Memberships: 1 (Association of Structural Rehabilitation), 2. IEI
Consultancy Activities: Raw material testing, Concrete mix design and structural auditing.
1. Promising Engineer Award by The Institutes of Engineers (India) Ahmednagar Local Chapter on the occasion of 26th Engineers Day in recognition of remarkable performance and achievement in the engineering field dated 18/09/2024.
2. NPTEL Discipline Star Award for July-December 2024 on completing courses whose duration is 50+ weeks or more with final score in every course >=55.
Grants fetched: NIL
Interaction with Professional Institutions:
Research Scholar at Department of Civil Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology , Surat, Gujrat.
Area of Research:
Concrete Technology , Structural design and analysis, Utilization of waste materials in concrete, Multi Criteria decision making tools.