Name: Prof.Dr. Sachin Vasant Chaudhari
Designation: Associate Professor
Department: Electronics & Computer Engineering
Date of Joining the Institution: 21/07/2010
Qualifications with Class/Grade:
UG: B.E.ETX (I Class)
PG: M.E. ETX (I Class )
Ph.D: Electronics Engg.
Total Experience in Years:
Teaching: 17 Yrs.
Industry: 1.5 Yrs.
Research: NIL
Paper Published:
National: NIL
International: 12
Papers presented in conferences:
National: 05
International: 07
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents: 04 Patents Published
Professional Memberships: 1. Member of Institution Engineers (MIE-161046-5). 2. Member of International Association of Engineers (Member Number: 350222 )
Consultancy Activities: NIL
Awards: Distingwished Engineer award By IARDO 2018
Grants fetched: NIL
Interaction with Professional Institutions: NIL